CEFR Level






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George Orwell. Adaptation and activities by Alice Venessa Bever. Illustrated by Lorenzo Conti.

1000 headwords | B1 | Preliminary

Charles Dickens

Illustrated by Veronica Ruffato

Anonymous - Retold by Claire Moore

Illustrated by Matteo Berton.

Chiara Michelon

1000 headwords | B1 | Preliminary Non-fiction

Charlotte Brontë 

Retold by Liz Ferretti

Robert Louis Stevenson. Retold by Silvana Sardi.

Illustrated by Federico Volpini.

William Shakespeare 

Adaptation and activitiesby Janet Borsbey and Ruth Swan

Jane Austen

Adaptation and activities by Janet Borsbey and Ruth Swan

Jane Austen

Adaptation and activities by Elizabeth Ferretti

Thomas Hardy

Adaptation and activities by Silvana Sardi. Illustrated by Valentina Malgarise.

Edith Wharton

Elizabeth Ferretti

Illustrated by Lorenzo Conti.

Oscar Wilde

Retold and activities by Jane Bowie

Henri James - Retold by Michael Lacey Freeman

Illustrated by Lizzy Stewart

Wilkie Collins

Illustrated by Victoria Semykina.

Chiara Michelon

1000 headwords | B1 | Preliminary